According to Youtube only 2 Cities listened to my Music: Moskau & Mailand (Logically impossible and a total audacious NSA Stats-Faking Fraud)

According to Youtube only 2 Cities listened to my Music: Moskau & Mailand
(Logically impossible and a total audacious NSA Stats-Faking Fraud)

Lasertrancer: 10.9.2023:
I only have listed two cities at youtube who allegedly listen to my music, NSA finds it funny to fake the stats, they say only Moskau and Mailand are listening to my music. (which is obviously a total fraud and audacity to fake stats this way on a mainstream platform)

All Stats Fakers…. They Fake everything, but you can´t fake the Goddess… Archons.

You will never have objective statistics when corporate monopolists encourage people to mess up the stats with such fraudulent means. (Pay for Views = Pure Insanity)

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